View Analytics Per App Spend
View analytics per app spend in daily and monthly increments.
Last updated
View analytics per app spend in daily and monthly increments.
Last updated
View the Spend Per Day bar chart. This chart displays each app’s daily spend in the Workspace.
The X-axis displays the total spend of all Workspace apps by day.
The Y-axis displays dates for the month.
Mouse-hover over a bar to display analytics for that app’s spend that day:
Date for that app’s spend.
Name of the app.
View the Monthly Spend Breakdown donut chart. This chart displays each app’s monthly spend in the Workspace proportionally and the percentage of the total monthly budget spent currently that month.
Select the Previous and Next buttons to display the spend for the previous month or the next, respectively.
View analytics from a donut chart segment:
Mouse-hover over a segment to display spend for that app that month.
Select a segment to view spend metrics per user and AI model for that app.
View the View by App table. This table displays for each app:
App Name: Name of each app.
Messages: Number of messages each app has sent.
Users: Number of users that have used each app.
Spend: Spend that month for each app.
Select the View Details button to view spend metrics per user and AI model for that app.
Select the View Details button for an app. The analytics display for the selected pay period:
Per-user spend per day.
Per-user spend per month.
Per user for that app.
Optionally, select the Model button to view that app’s spend per AI model. Mouse-hover over a bar to display spend for that app that day:
Amount of spend on AI models for that app that day.
Name of the AI model.
Optionally, view the Monthly Spend Breakdown donut chart. This chart displays each AI model’s monthly spend for that app proportionally and the percentage of the total monthly budget spent currently that month. Mouse-hover over a segment of the donut chart to display spend for AI models with which that app messaged that month, and the cost for each.
Select the All Usage Data link to return to analytics for all apps in the Workspace.